Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Electric-blue flowers and showy red calyces appear summer through first frost, after many seasonal bloomers have finished. In early fall, the leaves turn a beautiful contrasting garnet-red. This groundcover spreads slowly by rhizomes. (Perennial,Groundcover)
Bloom time Size Exposure
8-12" tall x 12-18" wide Sun Part Shade 
Hardiness Zone:5,6,7,8,9,10,11
zone map Cold Hardy to -20° to -10°F
Attracts Bees Attracts BeesAttracts Butterflies Attracts Butterflies
Attracts Hummingbirds Attracts HummingbirdsDeer Resistant Deer Resistant
Fabulous Foliage Fabulous FoliageFall/Winter Color Fall/Winter Color
Long Blooming or Repeat Blooming Long Blooming or Repeat BloomingNW Great Plant Pick NW Great Plant Pick
Potentially Toxic Potentially ToxicProstrate or vining growth habit Prostrate or vining growth habit
Tolerates moist soil Tolerates moist soil