Ligularia dentata 'Britt-Marie Crawford'
Ligularia dentata 'Britt-Marie Crawford'
Leopard Plant
Beautiful chocolate-maroon leaves make a textural presence and a perfect foil for the orange daisies that appear on tall stalks in summer. Ligularia need steady moisture to thrive, along with protection from leaf feeders like slugs! (Perennial)
Bloom time Size Exposure
Summer 3-4' tall x 2-3' wide Part Shade Shade 
Hardiness Zone:4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
zone map Cold Hardy to -30° to -20°F
Attracts Bees Attracts BeesAttracts Beneficial Insects Attracts Beneficial Insects
Attracts Butterflies Attracts ButterfliesDeer Resistant Deer Resistant
Fabulous Foliage Fabulous FoliageMay Naturalize May Naturalize
Tolerates moist soil Tolerates moist soil