Geranium endressii x psilostemon 'Patricia'
Geranium endressii x psilostemon 'Patricia'
Cranesbill, Hardy Geranium
Considered one of the longest blooming of the hardy geraniums. Patricia bears dark-eyed deep magenta pink flowers from May to August. Very dramatic in bloom; everyone wants to know what that gorgeous Geranium is! It's a great plant for the mixed border, and will weave through your plantings. A "Great Plant Pick" for the Pacific Northwest. (Perennial)
Bloom time Size Exposure
20-24" tall x 20-24" wide Sun Part Shade 
Hardiness Zone:4,5,6,7,8
zone map Cold Hardy to -30° to -20°F
Attracts Bees Attracts BeesAttracts Beneficial Insects Attracts Beneficial Insects
Attracts Birds Attracts BirdsAttracts Butterflies Attracts Butterflies
Deer Resistant Deer ResistantFall/Winter Color Fall/Winter Color
Fire-Resistant Plants Fire-Resistant PlantsLong Blooming or Repeat Blooming Long Blooming or Repeat Blooming
NW Great Plant Pick NW Great Plant PickProstrate or vining growth habit Prostrate or vining growth habit
Showy Flowers Showy Flowers