Fuchsia 'Army Nurse'
Fuchsia 'Army Nurse'
Ladies' Eardrops
A profusion of red flowers with violet corollas grace this hardy Fuchsia from early summer until hard frost. Shapely growth habit and floriferous; attracts hummingbirds galore!  Best in at least afternoon shade. (Perennial)
Bloom time Size Exposure
2' tall x 2' wide Part Shade 
Hardiness Zone:7,8,9,10,11
zone map Cold Hardy to 0° to 10°F
Attracts Bees Attracts BeesAttracts Beneficial Insects Attracts Beneficial Insects
Attracts Birds Attracts BirdsAttracts Hummingbirds Attracts Hummingbirds
Fall/Winter Color Fall/Winter ColorLong Blooming or Repeat Blooming Long Blooming or Repeat Blooming
Showy Flowers Showy Flowers