Campanula glomerata 'Joan Elliott'
Campanula glomerata 'Joan Elliott'
Clustered Bellflower
Large purple bellflowers create a vivid show, clustered atop short stems. One of the most floriferous bellflowers, and excellent for cut flowers too! Cut back after blooms are spent to keep compact shape and encourage second flush of flowers. (Perennial)
Bloom time Size Exposure
Summer 15-20" tall x 18-24" wide Sun Part Shade 
Hardiness Zone:3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
zone map Cold Hardy to -40° to -30°F
Attracts Bees Attracts BeesAttracts Butterflies Attracts Butterflies
Attracts Hummingbirds Attracts HummingbirdsDeer Resistant Deer Resistant
Good for Cut Flowers Good for Cut FlowersLong Blooming or Repeat Blooming Long Blooming or Repeat Blooming
May Naturalize May NaturalizeShowy Flowers Showy Flowers